Reference checks verify information shared throughout the recruiting process and help ensure a quality hire. By tapping into insight from people who know a (prospective) new teammate well, they can also help us bring a new teammate up to speed as quickly as possible.

Ideally we'll speak with past colleagues who've managed and worked with the candidate. For entry-level positions, classmates and character references may be able to provide reasonable confidence around the candidate's future performance.

Here's how it typically plays out.


We're excited about bringing [candidate] aboard as a [role], and [they] provided you as a reference. Thanks for being willing to spend a few minutes speaking with us.

Fact-finding questions

  1. Could you describe [candidate's] role while working with you (company, title, dates)?
  2. What was your role (or reporting relationship) at the time?
  3. How long did you work together?

Performance questions

  1. How did [candidate] grow during your time working together?
  2. What motivates [candidate]?
  3. Could you give me an example of a time where [candidate] surprised you?
  4. If you were giving feedback to [candidate], what would you identify as [their] biggest opportunities for growth?
  5. Could you describe a conflict or disagreement you had with [candidate]? How was it resolved?

Wrapping up

  1. Could you share why [candidate] left the position?
  2. Would you work together again, given the opportunity?